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  My Troops

Elk Grove, CA - Elk Grove 1st Ward LDS Church - This is the troop that I started in.  I started as a cub scout, then moved on to Weebelos, and finally Boy Scouts.  Shortly after turning 14 the Elk Grove Wards were to big and they were split.  I now found myself in the new ward, Elk Grove 3rd,  which on the numbers of 294.

Elk Grove, CA - Elk Grove 3rd Ward LDS Church - This is the troop that I spent the rest of my youth in.  I had two Scoutmasters, Gordon Hardcastle and Steve Taff.  Both of whom I have nothing but fond memories of.  It is because of them that I will be forever grateful for their time, talents, dedication, and sacrifices that were made so I might be a better person.  Troop 294 was a very large troop in comparison to others at that time.  We had 30 boys. Thanks to the hard work of Steve Taff I was able to earn my Eagle just before I turned 18. I don't remember what the count was but at least half of us were able to earn our Eagle Scout.  Shortly before I got married and left the area I was one of the many Assistant Scoutmasters.  Positions Held: Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Team Captain, & Assistant Scout Master.

Sacramento, CA - Mission Oak Ward LDS Church - After a 3 or 4 year absence of not doing much of anything with Scouts Officially, I was called to be the Varsity Coach.  I had a Team of 4 boys, of which only 1 was very active.  It was a real challenge that first year getting a program established, coming up with exciting places to go, super activities, and trying to see that they earned enough merit badges to advance.  The second year was much easier, I just copied what we did the first year.  The second year I now had about 14 boys in  the team and most all were very active due to the program I had established.  We worked on one new merit badge each month and went camping almost every month.  Most of the parents were amazed at how much we accomplished and wondered how I learned to do all of this, my  response was simple, "that is what my Scoutmaster did, I am simply following the example that he set for me."  shortly before we moved I was given a very big surprise, due to all that we had accomplished we were chosen to be Varsity Team of the year for the Pathfinder District.  This would have been for either 1992 or 1993.  Position Held: Varsity Coach.

North Highlands, CA - North Highlands 2nd Ward LDS Church - We lived in the North Highlands area for almost 9 years.  During this time I spent much of it in leadership roles within the Ward such as Elder's Quorum President, 1st Counselor in the Bishopric, High Counselor, and then finally Bishop.  While I was in each of these callings I spent a lot of time with the youth.  The only official Scout titles that I had were during the last 5 years of living there, that was as a committee member and then Chaplain.   During this time I really was able to hone my skills with repelling.  Each spring and fall we would go repelling with the boys and even the girls would go on their own trip.  Snow camping was another that we were able to master.  So many friendships were made during our stay here that I will be involved with this group for years to come I'm sure.  It was also during this time that I was able to see my own son join the Scouts, Weebelos, and then progress into the Boys Scouts.  Positions Held: Chaplain & Scout Committee Member.

Roseville, CA - Roseville 5th Ward LDS Church - We moved to this area in July of 2002 after we purchased a brand new home.  I was called to be the Young Men's President shortly after we moved in.  My main role has been to train the new leaders that have recently been called to Scout Positions.  This has been a big learning experience for me.  I have been able to show the boys new and exciting places that they have not been before all the while having fun in the process.  Positions Held: Advancement Committee Member


Copyright © 2003 Devin Holmes